Book III Update

Hello Readers and Fans – So sorry for the radio silence over the last few months, just been busy with wrapping up Book III, graduate school, and life in general. Hope all are doing well and everyone enjoyed the holidays.

Book III: The Resistance is complete and formatted – I am making my final ‘walkthrough’ of the book to ensure it is ready for publication. I am anticipating that the book will be published within the next few months. I sincerely appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while I complete the final installment of the trilogy. I wish writing was my full-time job, but unfortunately I have a day job and this is simply my ‘side gig’ (for now). I am doting on this one far more than I should and much more than the previous chapters of the trilogy – but I look at this as my one and only ‘shot’ and I want to put my best foot forward. I strive for perfection (which I know is impossible), but most importantly to me, I want all of you to be entertained by this story, to love it, and to remember it. But enough excuses from me – I promise Book III will be released soon, and I cannot thank you all enough for continuing to support me – it keeps me motivated and it keeps me plugging along through all the self-doubt and uncertainty. Thank you again and happy new year to you all!